Moments 6: Flaws and Faults
It seems, one of the hardest things to face in any coupling dynamic, is one's own flaws. When I first contemplated this, the word that came was "faults" in place of "flaws." Reading it that way—"One of the hardest things to face in any coupling dynamic is one's own faults"—I soon realized was incorrect, and in fact the reason why we do not seem to be able to face our flaws is because we are too stuck on our faults and fault-finding. And with "any coupling dynamic" I mean anything from dealing with one's occasional acquaintance, to encounters with a car mechanic, physician, best-friend, siblings, or spousal relationships. It may even be extended to a coupling dynamic with one's pet, nature, or even God or our source of being! Many social scientists and thinkers, in fact, the whole gamut of modern western thought, is often obsessed and lead by this fault-seeking and finding mindset. So much so that we have specialists in various fa...