Moments 3: The Great Divide 1
Introduction The freedom to do what you want with your life, with your body or speech, has gained much attention, especially in this new era of global debates centered on corrupt leaders, corporations, pandemics, global warming, and biological and economic warfare. Science too is losing ground in giving us an objective view into things like our bodies, since the objective mechanical science of previous generations—i.e. the “modern science” that began with the scientific revolution of Descartes, Newton, and the like—is being challenged by the subjective worldview of the newer sciences of post-modernism. This is why looking around us, as much as we like to hold onto ‘facts’, pure objective facts have become far more fluid and a matter of belief. No matter our persistence to adhere to ‘facts’, they slip through our fingers, since the world is at once much smaller as a global village, and far more diverse and humbling due to its many shades of gray and colorful hues. This means our belief ...