Moments 1: What I Tell Myself

 A million things could be influencing how you feel today: From the weather to the great firmaments, the planets, and the sun, to the moon and the ocean tides, to how many coffees you have had today, to the psychic who wrote today's predictions based on your horoscope. More importantly, there are the pains and aches in the body, ecstasies and unions, the rationale and the emotions, the mind and the heart-mind, and all our daily victories and defeats that we celebrate or moan about everyday. How about all the things, people, leaders, and governments we blame? And what about our upbringing and culture?

  The list goes on, but there is one thing above all these that I have found, which influences how I feel today: What I tell myself, or more precisely and broadly, the presence I am hosting now. So perhaps before examining the million reasons why I feel the way I feel today, I could listen to what I am telling myself and the state I am in, then see how much time is left to think and ponder on those million other things. And usually I find there is little time for that. This in a nutshell is what meditation means to me, listen to yourself and she will eventually deliver you to her beloved, her source.

—Houman Z. Emami


  1. I love this. Maybe you could also share a simple practice about the How of meditation. With blessings


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