Moments 8

Don’t let the mind work too hard, in fact don’t let it work much at all, for the heart is tirelessly hard at work with far greater efficiency, maintaining a delicate balance between one’s physical and spiritual well being, and her intelligence does so effortlessly. Tell the geniuses of today’s industries, I challenge you to work as hard and effortlessly as the heart, while leaving the mind behind. Then this world of fear, reward, and punishment, will be transformed into love. 

Punishments would not be necessary, when loving beings hold themselves responsible, and rewards would have no meaning, when loving beings are rewarded far more than they could imagine. 

It is the heart that leads, while the mind must bow and prostrate before it. The mind could never lead, as its efforts create greater suffering. Heart intelligence is the master; mind-body intelligence is the sheathe, her temporary protector in this physical environment, a follower, administrator, interpreter, and translator of sorts—at best, an accurate scribe of the soul and servant, and at its worst, the mind is that enemy of whom it is said, "Love thine enemy."


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